SemesterCourse #Course TitleCredits
FALLNURS:3160PRI - Professionalism & Patient Safety3
 NURS:3111Caring for Vulnerable Populations3
  Total Hours6


SemesterCourse #Course TitleCredits
SPRINGNURS:3460PRII - Research3
 NURS:3734Introduction to Human Genetics3
  Total Hours6


SemesterCourse #Course TitleCredits
FALLNURS:3660PRIII - Improving Health Systems3
  Total Hours6


SemesterCourse #Course TitleCredits
SPRINGNURS:4160PRIV - Leadership & Professional Engagement with Project*5
 NURS:XXXXNursing Elective (choose from NURS:3620; NURS:3737; NURS:3740; NURS:3741)3
  Total Hours8


SemesterCourse #Course TitleCredits
FALLNURS:3650Community & Public Health Nursing3
 NURS:3655Community & Public Health Nursing Practicum*2
 NURS:4170Baccalaureate Seminar1
  Total Hours6
*courses with face-to-face components