If you plan to graduate this semester (spring 2023):

Below are some of the significant dates in relation to graduation. More dates related to deadlines, such as course drop dates, can be found on the Registrar's page: registrar.uiowa.edu/calendars-deadlines

MSN & DNP Programs   PhD Program

MSN & DNP Programs

2/24 - Deadline for application for Graduate College Degree: Degree applications are available on MyUI/Degree Application (see note below).

3/27 & 3/28 - DNP defenses

TBD - CNL Capstone defenses

TBD – Commencement deadlines. Information regarding registration/RSVP, apparel, etc. will be posted to the following URLs:

5/12/23 – Graduate College Commencement (see above links for more information)

  • 9 a.m. DNP (Carver)
  • 7 p.m. MSN (Carver)


You need to be registered to apply for degree.

Summer gradsYou will defend in the spring semester and walk in the spring ceremony; there is not a summer ceremony. You will need to RSVP for the spring commencement if you want to walk in the spring ceremony. However, you will not apply for a spring degree application; you will apply for a summer degree application after you have registered for summer. 

Kara Avis - kara-avis@uiowa.edu, 319-467-4405

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PHD Program


2/6 – Let the PhD Coordinator know the date, time, location, and title of your PhD dissertation defense as well as the names of your committee members by this date

2/24 – Application Deadline for Graduate College Degree: Degree applications for all students are available at MyUI/Degree Application

2/24 – Provide Proof of IRB Compliance to the PhD Coordinator (if you have not done so already)

TBD – Graduate College Commencement Ceremony registration deadline   

4/17 – Last day a PhD defense can be held

4/25 – Single deposit of dissertation is due by 5 p.m. CST

5/12 – Graduate College Commencement. For information regarding registering and apparel rental/purchase, visit: commencement.uiowa.edu/ceremony/spring-2023/graduate-doctoral-commencement-ceremony           



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