Nicole Connelly, MSN, RN, CNL

Assistant Professor of Practice (Instructional)

After completing her bachelor’s degree in neuroscience, Nicole Breitbach's desire to help others attracted her towards health care, and her aspiration for learning and human connection directed her towards the field of nursing. Nicole obtained her Master of Science in Nursing in 2021. Since graduating with her nursing degree, she has worked at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics on the neuroscience intermediate unit. From teacher, to leader, to advocate - nurses have an important role in the health care system, and Nicole looks forward to preparing her students to make an impact in their nursing careers.

Research areas
  • Transition to practice
  • Nurse burnout and retention strategies
  • Neurology and neurosurgery
  • Rural health and access to care
Nicole Breitbach
BA, Neuroscience, Wartburg College
MSN, Saint Louis University